As most of you know I have been on the road trying to bring my newest, and perhaps my last book, before the public eye. From my first book through my 12th I have wanted to share my ideas on design in several areas to whom ever had an interest in that subject and my particular style. This book is rather different as it is a pictorial memoir where I share some of my life with the dreams, some of the successes and some of the failures of over six decades.
We all know the difficulty of travel today. It is not that easy nor comfortable or even civilized, don’t roll your eyes please. it is a fact. Yet once I get through the traffic and the lines and the security, scrutiny and arrive at the destination be it Iowa or Texas and connect with the people who asked me to come, everything changes. All is better. It is the people and their interest in one’s work that makes the trip worthwhile. These last three weeks is a perfect example of this phenomena. In Cedar Rapids Iowa to Texas including Big D, Fort Worth and Houston I was received with such warmth and generosity of spirit that it makes every inconvenience; leaving family, my dogs, the homes where I feel safe and happy a joyous event. I have felt loved in these wonderful places and there is no greater feeling than that.
With all the problems and divisions in the world at large and in our country; if we could somehow make the gift of friendship to a stranger, the gift of tolerance and the desire to cross the divide between our fellow man and woman what a beautiful world we could build.
I have always been a “Pollyanna” (for you who know who she was) and am always assuming the best until proven otherwise. For some this is just a basket of cliches, but I stand by the concept that cliches exist because there is usually truth and most often just plain old common sense behind them. So in the spirit of gratitude and Thanksgiving, thank you Iowa, divine Texas and America you are the best!

More leaves for the pumpkin pies

This simple leaf cookie cutter is one I use all of the time

Pumpkin house at the wonderful Arboretum in Dallas Texas

Can you believe they bring in 10,000 pumpkins for the autumn display

A bouquet from many many autumns ago so simple viburnum berries, mums in autumn colors , spray roses in a yellow orange , dahlias and golden coxcomb. I love it in contrast to the blue and white porcelain.
I love seeing your photographs and reading your comments. I have been a fan for years, since I bought one of your cocktail dresses when I was 30, but have quietly observed and followed your influence in the press, in your books and on line. I also had the honor of hearing you speak during one of your trips to California. On another note, I am working on my house and plan to be adding some of your botanical prints to my collection.
Thank you for everything you have done for all of us and the beauty that you continually bring into the world.
I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you Sarah- I shall be returning to Cal. Newport Beach and L.A. at the beginning of April.
Enjoy working on your house project–I always love working on a decorating project . Thank you for liking my paintings and for bringing them into your home! carolyne
Thank you for your amazing creativity and willingness to share your joy of beauty of flowers and life. I have several of your books and can’t wait to purchase the latest. You have caused me to try carnations again. I was like many others who had an overload during my formative years. However we always raised beautiful flowers and other bushes in our gardens. I have added chive blossoms in my very bright zinna arrangements. Thanks for giving so generously of yourself.
Thank you, Pat! I will forever be a champion of carnations!
Dear Carolyne,
I have missed hearing from you. Please give us a little update. I have not been able to locate you!
Wish you all the best,
Marilyn – I continue to work on projects and regain my strength at home. I am taking everything one day at a time and feel very lucky to have the very best support system. Thank you for your kind words!
Dearest Carolyne Roehm:
I’ll just say what is in my heart… I adore You, your Fabulous creative books, stunning prints, gorgeous photography. Where on earth do you find all the marvelous colored glass hurricane’s for candles? They are absolutely breathtaking! I have followed You and your work since the 1980’s. At the time I lived in Southern California and traveled to New York on a routine basis as I worked for Salomon Brothers.
Now I love turning a recently acquired house here in Eagle, Idaho (2 years now) into a home for my husband and me. Which also included removing the front and rear yards and creating beautifully designed gardens inspired by You Ms Roehm. I especially enjoy your videos. I pray you make it out here someday. If not I would happily travel if you were to have a speaking engagement somewhere.
May this find You and yours most well, your dogs happily frolicking around and everyone enjoying the autumn season.
Continued Blessings…
Paulette Keene
Thank you Paulette for all of your kind words — The hurricans I have found every where. In catalogs, shops such as pottery barn and crate & barrow, antique stores magazines all over……on line.Now that I am launching my blog again after a 7th month hiatis I will put on line where I shall be visiting and revisiting Enjoy your new home and life! best, carolyne roehm
Dear Paulette,
You have made my day, month and even my year, that has been a very very difficult, into a much better one with your very kind comments. Enjoy what you have created and let me just say I am happy to have been been a little bit of inspiration.
warm regards,
carolyne roehm
I get such joy from your books and blog. Your imagination and creativity are boundless. The flare you you share with me is an inspiration. I do hope you regain your health and are able to write and show photos another book. Even if the book was a compilation of Christmases past or devoted to
floral arrangements it would be a gift.
I’ve given several of your books as gifts and the recipients are delighted. I want to be in love with all the gifts I give. I’m always proud to give one of your books.
Somehow, you always come up with fresh ideas. Your floral arrangements put together a variety of flowers (and other things) in some lovely and unexpected way. They are always in some lovely containers.
I look at your books all year long. The season or holiday doesn’t matter. I start to think about my home decor and mentally gather possible flowers, interesting sticks and stones, berries, etc. when I go walking.
You honestly add a spark to my life. Thank you.
Suzanne you are so kind! I am like a kitty cat lapping up a bowl of rich cream!!!! thank you
Suzanne – that was the highest form of a compliment! I too “want to be in love” with the gifts I give because I want my loved ones to feel appreciated and understood. I am so happy you return to the books and that they spark new creativity in the beauty you create. Nothing makes me happier!