Well I really love RED for the entire year for that matter!!!!!!
I have always loved the color red even before it became the symbolic color of the Reagan Era. I shall spare you all the significance of red in our world and culture as you know all of that already…
Red has played a starring role in my clothing design, flowers, my gardens, interior decoration, table settings and for that matter just about anything I have created.
I still wear a lot of red as it is a high energy color. It can convey strength and boldness when one is not necessarily feeling that way.

Pictured above: My newest red loves (along side my red fur lined moccasins 😍 I just bought) are the chinoiserie bracelets and earrings I have recently exhibited on this site and during my travels for the new book.
Of course the basic black versions of these pieces are perfect big-time style and the white is my spring /summer pick me up –love it with the blues and blacks– but, the big bold in-your-face combination is the red and gold.
I have decorated in so many colors and combinations for the holidays but red is still my fallback and favorite. Here are a few pictures from my past and current projects on decorating and designing with red: Below you can see the array accessories, reds in my garden, the photo of the model in a red dress I designed was taken by the amazing Irving Penn, costume jewelry, and my newest red passion scented candle.
Red and gold combos for different Christmases in different locations– and these are just a few there have been so many!!!
Of course, the classic Christmas combination is red and green. I do not know the genesis of why this combo became the official colors of the season. It may be because green is the secondary color compliment to red, a primary color. These are the laws color theory. I am sure there is more to it than that but you can look that up as will I.😅
I love mixing red with reds, the range is broad from blue reds to orange reds. When mixing reds of different hues they seem to vibrate. That is the magic of color.
Finally, my go to flowers for Christmas are a mix of and roses and carnations. But after leaving in Paris and going to the flower market when I did my “adult🤣 internship” I discovered the beauty of carnations. This much-maligned flower is a life saver at Christmas time. In my first book, A Passion for Flowers, I wanted to celebrate all flowers -not just the obvious beauties of the flower universe–I always fall for the underdog in everything and certainly carnations, baby’s breath, chrysanthemums and marigolds were the floral underdogs. I did bouquets with all of these flowers to showcase the beauty of the everyday but my pride was my use of carnations. I created a carnation Christmas wreath using two colors of red and decorated my entire house with them to prove a point. There are NO bad flowers, only people who do them badly!! I was the first to really be their champion —now we have an enormous array from which to choose. But the one thing that they lack are the wonderful carnation scent which one always found in those coming from the Paris market. Too bad it is a lovely clove scent.
For years the carnation has been the only flower that has a Good Housekeeping seal of approval. They deserve it as they are the troopers of the flower world– they last as long as three weeks if the water is changed and the house is not too hot. For the wreathes and topiaries that are in soaked oasis, but not in a vase of water, I mist with cool water and it is amazing how long they last as well;–still looking for the finished wreath photo –I need an archivist.
Red walls, red accessories, red packages, red accents… I love them all! Hope you find something that fans a passion for red in your scheme of things. Happy decorating!!!
This week I plan to launch my new web site with Carolyne’s Christmas List. Exhibiting ideas for presents that I love rom talented friends to help with some last-minute shopping. Fingers crossed all goes well with this launch!! cr and BYW I may find that wreath photo by then😠🙄
Jewelry, candles, and books are available at the Carolyne Roehm Shop.
I bought a RED TABLECLOTH yesterday!I wasn’t sure as I have ORANGE CHAIRS…………..but NOW I KNOW I AM KEEPING IT!
Let’s see what I can with it!I TOO LOVE CARNATIONS but MY ITALIAN doesNOT as in ITALY they are known as the DEATH FLOWER!I will try and make your pyramid tree!!
MY earrings have been shipped and I am WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get ready for a PHOTO on INSTAGRAM!
Antiquegoddess here!
Hi Contessa–I know that they are for death in Italy and the French consider them bad luck. But these are customs which I respect but they are still beautiful and o’ boy do they last. I think when you use as a tree the bad luck does not count! have fun soak and then drank the oasis so it does not drip onto the surface it sits on , place on a plate or something and then continue to add water and spray. Good luck c
To gift a special person, in this case my pharmacist, I only know him when I’m in need of his services. One day he seemed very happy and I asked why the big smile? “Our house is ready and we’re moving in tomorrow”. Almost a year overdue and I know the pain and frustration that comes with that. I know you do too.
A Passion for Blue and White along with Flowers seemed the perfect gift. Not only was it perfect, but I think I may have made a mistake and gifted the moon instead.
What a thrill when a gift is so well received. I made sure to wrap each a la Carolyne Presentations. the wife whom I’ve never met, took days to open the gifts. She wanted friends and family to breath heavy before she did.
Carolyne, you have been my go to gift provider for years, and I am so happy to know you. Well, that is I know you, but you don’t know me other than through book signings. I think you a close friend and you always give a hand (or book) when I need one.
Have a lovely Christmas. Through you, I will as well.
Dear Kem,
I love your story about the pharmacist. How smart and thoughtful of you to think of this idea and to bring such pleasure to another. We all need to pay some attention to the people in our lives that we may not know well but have an impact on our lives. carolyne
Dear Carolyne,
What a beautiful website.
I have been following you on Instagram and have told my niece about you as she shows signs of loving all the decorating etc that we do. She loves your books.
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy Christmas and a wonderful 2019 and look forward to more of your wonderful postings.
Marie. 🎄🌹🎄🌹🎄🌹🎄
Dear Marie,
So nice to her from you I hope all is well in Australia. Happy the young world love some of the things we do. We can teach and learn from them as well. Wishing you and yours a joys holiday and a very healthy New Year!! a big hug
I have said this before Carolyn but well worth repeating… “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others; cannot keep it from themselves.” by James Barrie This is my favorite and you certainly personify the saying. I never get tired of hearing it. I just had to repeat it to you and wish you a Merry Christmas. Warmest Regards, Pamela
It is lovely I shall add it to my quote list thank you so much Pamela . cr
Are you and Aries by chance….as I am??!!?? Always my “go to” color!! Gorgeous photos!! franki
No Franki, I am a taurus but still love that red! cr
Dear Carolyne, Just rereading your collection of seasons books yesterday. I have read them many many times and am always inspired. After reading the December 5 blog I decided to go back and have a look at your Christmas looks in past books. Inspired.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and best regards for a happy and healthy New Year. Heather
Thanks Heather happy the notebooks are still of service
Love the red you have incorporated in your Christmas decorating. i was lucky to come upon a bargain of poinsettias for fifty cents a piece at our local Lowe’s. They are around a foot high and i bought around 30 of them and decorated the entire house with them. I just love the red in them and in such mass quantities it really made a great addition to our decorations. Watering them all is quite a task, but well worth it. Happy holidays and a Happy Healthy New Year.
Peter – I agree, anything done in volume can have a lovely impact and pack a visual punch! Sounds like your home was glorious!
While emptying the contents of my storage units, in a flash of melancholy I threw away all of my Christmas ornaments. These boxes marked “Xmas” represented the pain of my husband’s unexpected death on Christmas Day a few years ago and the subsequent breakup of the rest of his family. I still can’t believe I did that as I had beautiful ornaments from my childhood and my grandmother’s as well. My readers are always thanking me for being an inspiration because of my positive attitude and ability to bounce back from life’s curve balls. I’m strong and resilient and I write a lot about survivorship and moving forward, but in that moment, those boxes were more than I could bear. I’ve begun to buy a few new ornaments. Most are handcrafted and are gold or red, but I’ve not gotten a tree. I’m just hanging the ornaments from sconces and placing them on tabletops. Perhaps I’ll make your carnation tree this year! Thank you for suggesting it, Brenda
Dear Brenda, I think many of have experienced the painful reminders. I was listening to some beautiful music and ran across some cards and letters my mother had written me and felt the tears coming. She now is slowly loosing her mental capabilities and it is heart breaking to watch but I guess that is the life process and it is hard on those of us left behind. So you are wise to try new things that give the mind another way to handle Xmas with out those cherished decorations.good luck with the tree. Make sure you soak the oasis’s cone place it in a pan to drain, place the carnations cone in pan . Cover the base thus covering the pan ( I use a cake pan with Xmas greens or fake snow piled aroundsn or fabric, then mist the carnations for continued moisture. The dryer and higher the heat in your house the more misting the flowers will need. Good luck and have fun. Cr
Dear Carolyne, I too enjoy every detail of your lovely talents. My lifestyle is an abbreviation of you luxurious lifestyle. I have all the lovely antiques and accrutiments to making a beautiful home that is comfortable and lovely to me and my loved ones. I like you have a quest for the best and an abundance gene that is only satisfied with the finest and most beautiful. I live in the Napa Valley and have had a beautiful wine estate where I spent 25 years putting in a Thomas Church landscape and growing my own David Austin roses and tea roses of which I could pick bushels. Some days it would takes all day to do the flowers. You know the story. Today I live in a small house in St. Helena, but I still use that abundance philosophy and my home is always filled with seasonal things. I have two dutch doors together in my great room…so I put the Christmas tree outside the dutch doors and open them completely or just the top part to show case my tree. It is spectacular this year! I used a big sugar-pine tree instead of the traditional fir tree. I strung it with garlands (from the local hardware store) that already had the lights and snow and tied garlands on with raffia…and I believe it is one of the most natural and pretty trees I have ever done. I have big baskets of narcissus and huge bokas of my Meyers lemons in urns, red amaryllis, snow on my wreath…and am ready for Christmas. Merry Christmas Carolyne and thank you for all the inspirations. No one does it better than you. I am an ardent fan and always love you posts and books.
Susan – it sounds like we have so much in common. And your home sounds so lovely! I think it is so important to enjoy moments of beauty in our own homes – after all, we need to treat ourselves well so we have peace and balance in our lives. Enjoy the upcoming holidays and keep creating those special moments!
Hi Carolyn,
Christmas is coming in Texas, too, and a new team is arriving at a beautiful little spot near Buffalo Bayou.
When they asked for some direction to bring cheer to the house in the woods and its holiday tables, we went straight to
you. Your touch sparkles far beyond the Northwest Corners!
Merry Christmas and Joy to your world!
All the best,
I imagine you get Christmas quite right in Texas – you do everything with gusto! But I humbled and flattered I could be of some help. Enjoy your holidays and all that Christmas sparkle!